On Pentax Discuss Mailing List someone asked about the Noise Reduction of very high ISO pictures with Lightroom. As most people know there is a built in Noise Reduction tool in LR, but you can't install plug-ins like Noise Ninja or Neat Image. But if you want to batch process images or you only have Lightroom to work with then there is a little trick to get just a little more details from high ISO pictures where you need to apply very strong Luminance NR.
Putting Clarity to a high value (+100 for example) you can get a bit more details by increasing the "micro contrast" on the picture. I've made an example, the picture above was made with ISO12800 and very little light.
Luminance was set to +100 and Detail was set to +50 on both pictures, the only difference is Clarity (0 vs +100).
Noise Reduction test (click to open in better resolution):
Clarity is set to zero (left side) vs Clarity is set to Maximum (right side)
See the 'extra' detail on the forehead and on the hand. Also on the wall next to my head you can see that little spot on the picture on the right. As you can see with the clarity set high the picture does not looks that much washed up even with Luminance Noise Reduction set to it's maximum.
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